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Key Trends in Software Quality Assurance (QA) To Look Out For
In the following article, we shall traverse some of the salient trends in QA and how your company can keep up with them for successful outcomes.

Systems Transformation in India: Accelerating Business Growth with IT Services
What led to a metamorphosis of technological upgrades? Let us discern the narrative behind it with the subsequent blog.

5 Effective Ways to Use Popups for Successful Lead Generation
The blog indulges in 5 efficacious ways to leverage popups’ functionality to get qualified leads for your business.

Staying Ahead of the Curve with Digital Marketing and AI
The blog holds the answer for the same as it takes you through the plethora of benefits derived from AI and how digital marketers can make the best of the AI-led situation work in their favour.

Choosing the Right IT Outsourcing Model: Offshore, Nearshore, or Onshore?
The blog elaborates on the differing types of outsourcing and how your business can leverage a helping hand in achieving success.

Data Security in IT Outsourcing: Best Practices to Protect Your Business
Worried about your Data Security while outsourcing your business operations? Check out our article on the best practices to protect your business.

Key Considerations for Choosing an Outsourcing Partner
Looking to outsource some of your business operations? Check out our article on the key considerations you should consider when choosing an outsourcing partner.

Borek Solutions Group: A 233-year Legacy of Transformation
Discover How Our Legacy Can Be Traced back to 1790
233 years ago, a man named Ernst Christoph Daniel Pigge took over a humble bookbinder’s workshop in Bodenwerder, Germany, thus founding the company that would today become Borek Solutions Group.

Human Being to Digital Being & the Emergence of Digital Marketing
Trampling and turfing with the hoofs in search of food to quench their appetite, Homosapiens would have never envisioned that one day they would be maneuvering a digital mouse to quench their digital appetite.

Lead Generation: Setting The Sales Bar High
Lead Generation is a marketing activity responsible for acquiring information and making use of the connections to build a list of potential clients.

Outsourcing – A boon in the pandemic era
The pandemic has bamboozled and crumbled the multiplex present and future endeavours of a multitude of ventures.

4 Strategies to Generate Best Leads in 2022
What works best for this is outbound lead generation or inbound lead generation, which is an endless debate whereas we are of the belief that both are equally important for the growth of any business.

Using virus image annotation
Trampling and turfing with the hoofs in search of food to quench their appetite, Homosapiens would have never envisioned that one day they will be maneuvering a digital mouse to quench their digital appetite.

Reaching sales targets with travel restrictions in a post-pandemic era
Instead of treating this hit as a hurdle, treat it as an opportunity. You never know which untouched territory opens up for your business to match last year’s graph.

Hitting the balance between quality and cost in data labelling
How do we achieve High Quality at Minimal cost? That is a question every project manager is accustomed to. Especially companies o

Reaching sales targets with travel restrictions in a post-pandemic era
Instead of treating this hit as a hurdle, treat it as an opportunity. You never know which untouched territory opens up for your business to match last year’s graph.

Hitting the balance between quality and cost in data labelling
How do we achieve High Quality at Minimal cost? That is a question every project manager is accustomed to. Especially companies o

Using virus image annotation
Trampling and turfing with the hoofs in search of food to quench their appetite, Homosapiens would have never envisioned that one day they will be maneuvering a digital mouse to quench their digital appetite.

Reaching sales targets with travel restrictions in a post-pandemic era
The pandemic has bamboozled and crumbled the multiplex present and future endeavors of a multitude of ventures.

Hitting the balance between quality and cost in data labelling
What works best for this is outbound lead generation or inbound lead generation, is an endless debate whereas I am of the belief that both are equally important for growth of any business.